name="description" content="Terroir-expressing natural wine minimum intervention">

Monday, 31 May 2010

Natural Wine Shipment

At last! On Friday 28th May, our pallet of wine (Vinos Ambiz, Young White 2009, 100% Airén, Unfiltered) began its journey to the USA.

It took me two-and-a-half months to do it, counting from the day that importer Jose Pastor came to visit the vineyard and winery and taste the wines (on 11th March).

This is basically what I had to do:
  • Design and print a front label and back-label (by Hola Por Que)
  • Find a box manufacturer who would sell me ‘only’ 100 boxes (Cartonajes Hurtado)
  • Remove labels and wash and disinfect 400 bottles
  • Fill and cork and stick on labels and put in boxes
  • Find a special US-homologated pallet, (thank you, Vinos Jeromín) stack it and wrap it
  • Do the paperwork!
The ship is leaving the Port of Barcelona this Saturday (5th June) and arrives New York about two weeks later, so I assume that by the end of June the wine should be in the shops.

I’m looking forward to following up on the ‘progress’ of the wine down the chain of consumption and interacting with the final customers and/or retailer on blogs and forums, etc.

Here’s some final photos:

Truck backing up to winery gates

Wine moving out

Thank you, Juan, for doing all the hard work, while I swan around taking photos!

Elevator... going up!

Bye-bye wine


  1. Nicola Lucherini1 June 2010 at 19:32

    Spero sia la prima di una lunga serie! complimenti e auguri!!!

  2. Thank you Amy, Grazie Nicola,

    It's great to read something written by someone who's not me on this blog!

    Fa piacere legere cualcosa scritto da qualcun'altro su questo blog!

  3. Yesterday I purchased a bottle of the wine pictured above at Paul Marcus wine in oakland, California. What a wonderful wine, I never tasted the Airen grape. It is so different. It reminds me of the wine made by nuns in Lazio Italy called: Monastero Suore Cistercensi Coenobium for its "naturalness". Jose Pastor Selections is headquartered in our Bay Area of San Francisco, so I do hope you continue to send us more wine. I for one will look for it in the future! (The wine shop only received 6 bottles, hopefully they'll be able to get more soon!) Good luck with your project.

  4. Hi,
    Thank you for taking the time to comment. I'm so glad you liked the wine. This batch is very 'natual' indeed, as José Pastor insisted on not adding any sulphites at all at bottling. It actually contains about 10.5 mg/l, though I didn't add any at all during the wine-making process. And of course I didn't add any other substances either. I have an info sheet on the story of the wine (ie how the wine was made, what I did and didn't do to it, etc), which I can send you if you like.
    Another batch should be arriving in California in about 1 month or so - I'll be bottling it this week! It's a young red, 2009, 100% Garnacha, unfiltered, no added sulphites, as usual.


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