- by denying that adjectives in the English language can have more than one meaning, when it is evident to all English-speakers that that is plainly not the way the English language works.
· Merriam-Websters's provides no less than 15 different meanings of the word 'natural'
· The FDA also has the following to say about the use of the word ‘natural’
· And the Oxford English Dictionary (1991 version) gives as part of meaning 7a of 'natural':
“manufactured using only simple or minimal processes; ”
- by insisting on the existence of a fictitious "Natural Wine Movement", complete with leaders, dogmas, beliefs and a secret agenda
- by making sweeping generalizations and taking certain individuals' words and phases out of context, misinterpreting them, and attributing them to said fictitious 'natural wine movement'. For example:
- stating that the fictitious 'natural wine movement' believes that natural wine is a new and trendy invention, when everyone knows that wine has been made like that for 8000 years;
- stating that the fictitious 'natural wine movement' simplistically believes that the wine world is divided into 'natural wines' vs 'industrial' wines, when everyone knows that it's much more complex than that and that there is a huge and intricate scale of naturalness;
- stating that the fictitious 'natural wine movement' believes that natural wines are better than all other wines, when everyone knows that there are good natural wines and bad natural wines, just like in any other categorization of wines one cares to devise;
- by refusing to provide evidence that the individuals that are misquoted out of context are actually spokespersons for this fictitious movement and have the authority to speak in the name of thousands of other producers, traders, purveyors and consumers.
Small artisan natural winemakers are effectively without resources, lobby groups, marketing budgets and readership, but we are hoping to ally ourselves with the Natural Gas producers of the world, who have the capability of defending themselves more effectively than us.
Clearly, according to the criteria of the Anti-Natural Wine Movement, natural gas producers are also lying and perpetrating fraud on millions of their customers all over the world by deliberately calling their gas 'natural' while at the same time admitting that it is man-made, and that it requires incredibly expensive, hi-tech machinery and processes to produce. It will be interesting to see if any personal insults are forthcoming from the champions and mouthpieces of the Anti-Natural Wine Movement, directed towards producers or proponents of natural gas, as they certainly have the resources to invest in good lawyers to respond to any possible slanderous insults!
- Natural cheese puff producers:
- Natural marshmallow producers:
- Natural jelly bean producers:
- Natural sausage producers:
- Natural yogurt producers:
- Natural beer producers:
- Natural butter producers:
- Natural bread producers:all of whom are producers of man-made products and who therefore are also guilty of deliberately perpetrating fraud and telling lies to their customers!
- Natural law
- Natural history
- Natural medicine
- Natural philosophy
- Natural science
What else is on the secret agenda of the anti-natural wine movement? I don't know yet - that depends on my imagination, er, oops, I mean, it depends on the reliable information I receive from reputable sources close to the leadership of the Anti-Natural Wine Movement, only to be published after carefully checking that information in a process of due diligence. Yes.